
Total supply: 69420888

Contract Renounced

0% Buy and Sell Tax.

Blockchain: Cronos – $CRO gas fees

🐌Allocations from creator balance:

💧80% added to VVS LP (55.4M) (Tx) and 100% burned (Tx) 🔥

🏦 10% Treasury (7M full balance) – reserved for Airdrops / Expenses / Staking & Marketing (Any negative movement in balance has to be voted by the #slowfam on Discord – Positive movements can be added overtime from self-buys* to keep a healthy balance) (Wallet #1) (Wallet #2)

💼 5% Team expansion (3.5M full balance) (Wallet)

🤴 5% Dev(s) salaries (3.5M full balance) (Wallet)